Rules & Regulations 1. Pens will be assigned by lottery and will be announced immediately prior to arrival time. 2. Entries limited to three entries per exhibitor per class. Entries may be further limited due to space. 3. Entries in 751 & 752 must have no more than one and ½ inches of wool. Sheep classified as wool breeds may be shown with fleeces of appropriate length. 4. Classes 2 & 5 subsection 751/752 are restricted to yearlings, and proof of age may be requested. 5. Classes 1 & 4 subsection 751/752 are restricted to lambs, age verified by teeth. Lambs must be fully weaned. 6. Classes 1-3 in Subsection 753 are open to pure bred, grade, or crossbred lambs and restricted to ewe lambs or wethers. 7. Entries in Sub Section 753 must be weighed, using a designated scale. Weighing will take place no earlier than three hours prior to judging. Entries may be moved up or down in classes, depending on weight at that time. 8. Sub Section 753 must be skin shorn, fully weaned and have a full mouth of milk teeth. 9. All exhibitors are required to assist in maintaining the cleanliness of the sheep area. 10. Animals may be shown in only one class with exceptions of Championship classes. 11. Each entry must clearly display name of exhibitor and breed of sheep during the event. 12. Registration papers will be checked.
SUB SECTION 751 - Suffolk & Hampshire 752 - Any Other Breed
Class List Class 1: Ram Lamb Class 2: Yearling Ram Class 3: Champion Ram & Reserve Class 4: Ewe Lamb Class 5: Yearling Ewe Class 6: Champion Ewe & Reserve
SUB SECTION 753 Market Lamb Class 1: Heavy (120 lbs & under) Class 2: Medium (75 - 99 lbs) Class 3: Light (74 lbs & under) Class 4: Champion Market Lamb & Reserve
Prize Money The following prize money will be awarded to Classes 1, 2, 4, 5 in sections 751 & 752 and Classes 1,2, 3 in Section 753 1st $93 2nd $75 3rd $56 4th $45 5th $36 6th to last place $20